Long-term financial security
Hazelnut trees can produce quality nuts for 50-80 years if cared for properly
The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.
18 - 20,7K MDL / Ha
State subsidies
High-value perennial crop, easy to manage and maintain
Tolerates a wide variety of soils
Is a deciduous plant
Hazelnuts are a non-perishable product
Mechanical harvest (less manual maintenance and time)
Hardy and resistant to major pests and diseases
Reduces soil erosion, nutrient runoff and nitrogen pollution
Start producing in 3 to 5 years
Commercial bearing from 6-7th year
Yields from 2t/ha
Agricultural subsidy program (covers about 50% of costs)

The global consumer demand for hazelnuts is growing continuously as health and wellness goes mainstream, and consumers around the world prefer better, healthier and more delicious eating solutions.

Hazelnut has a wide range of applications in food and beverages products (especially chocolate and bakery manufacturers), in cosmetic and healthcare industries.

That's why is very important to grow the right varieties and conform to internationally recognized standards, hence meeting the market demands.
Product quality is one of the most important factors for buyers and consumers
EUROALUN offers seedlings from high-performing certified cultivars:
Suitable varieties for local growing conditions
Suitable pollenizers for the cultivar selected
Good quality trees from nursery
Strong well balanced root system

If you wish to maximize returns on your investment, a strong focus on quality assurance through all the phases is required.

For quality assurance and quality control, EUROALUN is providing hazelnut seedlings to farmers delivering training and support for them through the extensive team of experts, specialists, agronomists and local farmers FOR 5 YEARS, with no additional or increased fees.
5 YEAR GUIDANCE – technical and agronomic assistance
For EUROALUNs clients (no additional or increased fees) included in the contract, thereby ensuring greater returns for growers:

Topographical survey
Proper varieties selection
Tree-spacing, pollenizers compatibility
Suitable advices and services for our region
Planting recommendations
Masterclasses in the field
Trainings with qualified specialists
Annual inspections by international experts
Regular and systematic monitoring
7/7 assistance directly in the field
Online chatwork
Direct contact with experts
Standardizing, simplifying and rationalizing processes and services
Assistance in preparing applications for subsidy program
Financial advisory
Organic certification consultancy

The profitability of the grower comes first